#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# Security Report

#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards#base
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Security Status

No major security issues detected. Always do your own research.

Token Tax

Buy Tax
Percentage fee on buy transactions
Sell Tax
Percentage fee on sell transactions
Transfer Tax
Percentage fee on transfer transactions

Token Information

#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards#
#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards#
Total Supply
Holder Count
24h Volume
Market Cap

Security Analysis

Contract Security

Contract Verification
Contract source code is verified and readable
Proxy Contract
Contract can be upgraded by the owner
Can Mint Tokens
New tokens can be created by the owner
Hidden Owner
Contract has hidden owner privileges
Can Self-Destruct
Contract can be destroyed by the owner
External Calls
Contract makes calls to external contracts

Ownership Security

Owner Renounced
Contract ownership has been renounced
Can Take Back Ownership
Ownership can be reclaimed after renouncing
Can Modify Balances
Owner can modify token balances

Trading Security

Listed on DEX
Token is listed on decentralized exchanges
Has Blacklist
Specific addresses can be blocked from trading
Has Whitelist
Only specific addresses can trade
Limits maximum transaction amount
Trading Cooldown
Enforces delay between trades
Can Pause Transfers
Trading can be paused by the owner
Global Tax Modifiable
Trading fees can be modified for everyone
Personal Tax Modifiable
Trading fees can be modified per user
Last updated: 3/21/2025, 6:57:27 PM

Detailed Token Analysis


#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# (#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards#) represents an emerging cryptocurrency project on the BASE blockchain network. Our thorough security analysis has revealed a well-structured token with standard security implementations and transparent trading mechanics. The token's smart contract has been verified on BaseScan, providing complete code transparency and allowing for public audit of its functionality. This verification is crucial as it confirms that the deployed contract matches the published source code, significantly reducing the risk of hidden malicious functions.

Through our comprehensive examination, we've found that #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# implements a standard ERC-20 structure with several positive security characteristics. The contract ownership remains active, giving the owner significant control over the token's functionality.

Security Assessment

From a security perspective, #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# demonstrates strong fundamental characteristics. The smart contract implementation follows best practices, with no identified honeypot characteristics or malicious code patterns. The presence of active ownership means the contract's behavior could be modified by the owner.

The contract's security features are particularly noteworthy. There are no minting capabilities, meaning the total supply is fixed and cannot be increased. The absence of hidden owner privileges provides additional security assurance. External interactions are limited to standard DEX integration patterns, minimizing the attack surface and potential vulnerabilities.

Trading Environment

The trading mechanics of #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# have been designed with fairness and simplicity in mind. The token implements a zero-tax structure across all transaction types - no fees are charged on buying, selling, or transferring tokens.

Current market metrics reveal that #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# is in its early stages of development. With a total supply of 100 #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# and a current price of $0.0₍8₎1983, the project maintains a market capitalization of approximately N/A. However, the trading environment presents some considerations for potential investors. The current liquidity pool stands at $2, with a 24-hour trading volume of $0.0039, indicating a relatively illiquid market that could be susceptible to significant price impacts during larger transactions.

Market Dynamics and Risk Analysis

The market dynamics of #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# present an interesting picture of an early-stage token. With 5 unique holders, the token is in its initial accumulation phase. The creator maintains a modest position of 0.000000% of the total supply, indicating no concerning level of ownership concentration.

Based on our comprehensive security analysis, this token does not show immediate signs of being a honeypot. However, as with all cryptocurrency investments, users should conduct their own research and exercise caution.

Trading Recommendations

For traders considering a position in #CMC Quest: Earn Rewards#, we recommend implementing a cautious approach:

First, any trading activity should begin with small test transactions to understand the actual price impact and trading mechanics. The limited liquidity environment requires careful position sizing to avoid significant slippage.

Second, continuous monitoring of liquidity levels and trading volumes is essential. Changes in these metrics could significantly affect the ability to enter or exit positions at desired price levels.

Finally, while the token's security features and implementation are sound, the early market stage and limited liquidity suggest that traders should only commit capital they can afford to hold through periods of potential illiquidity or volatility.


#CMC Quest: Earn Rewards# presents as a securely implemented token with strong fundamental characteristics from a technical perspective. The active contract ownership introduces additional considerations for potential investors. However, the current market dynamics, particularly the limited liquidity and trading activity, require careful consideration from potential investors. While the token shows promise from a security standpoint, successful trading will require careful position management and risk awareness.